Carol D Guerrero-Murphy

author Carol Murphy-Guerrero smiling for a photo outside

Carol D Guerrero-Murphy

Carol D Guerrero-Murphy has published 3 full length books of poetry: Bright Path Dark River (October 2020, Colorado Authors League Poetry Award); Chained Dog Dreams (2019 Finishing Line Press); and Table Walking at Nighthawk (Ghost Road Press, 2007, WILLA Award). The two most recent books turned out to be carrying mild cases of Covid, which required them to be isolated right when they were ready to travel. She has had work in American Poetry Review, Missouri Review, Roanoke Review, Prairie Schooner, Ruah, Southwest Literary Review, Pilgrimmage, and many other journals. Her work earned 2 Pushcart Prize nominations. She returned to Denver in January 2022 after she fled the Marshall Fire in Superior with nothing but her cat and husband, which also impacted those books’ social activities. A long time teacher, coach, and editor for poets ages 3 to 93, in preschools to prisons, in classrooms, zooms, and letters. (PhD English, Denver University.)

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